Evan Mecham
Evan Mecham

-Good night, here is Don Rather on the CBS Evening News and today we will be presenting an exclusive interview with former Arizona Governor Evan Mecham.

-Good night Don, good night viewers of America.


-First of all, let's start with a delicate subject. To which you attribute the great defeat of your party in the election last November in Arizona.

-Well, I think the main factor was John McCain. I respected the man very much, but his death was really the end of the AIP in Arizona. The GOP won both races for the Senate as well as the government and our two seats in the House.

-And what are your plans for the future?" Do you want to go back to politics?

-Yes, of course, my life is dedicated to politics. But I do not think my future is in the American Independent Party.


-Do you think AIP has a future?

-Yes, by the time we get over Donald Trump, I believe the party will once again have a certain popularity. But I will not have paper in that future.

-Let's get to the main subject of the interview now, Mr. Mecham?

-When you want.

-Then, let's talk about 1993, the choice of Joe Arpaio . Tell me what you have to say.

-Well, it was not my choice. Donald Trump who chose Arpaio. He wanted to save her neck. He even threatened me to pick someone Joe, he was one of the few loyal to him.

-And that happened on Bill Clinton's seat too?

-Look, I can not speak for Bill Alexander, but I heard rumors that the one who chose Huckabee was Trump, too. I heard rumors that there were the same threats. And the President was right, it was these two votes that saved him from Impeachment in 1993.

-So you believe that with these choices and threats the President was able to survive Impeachment. Just for that?

-Yes for sure. He committed a crime. Obstruction of justice. The senators were his judges that day. He bribed and threatened to obtain a favorable judge, he prevented justice from reaching him.

-These are very serious charges governor.

-I know. And if Congress wishes, I am willing to go and lay those words before Congressmen and Senators. My weakness of two years ago must be fixed.
